Monday, February 22, 2010

Leveling a hero and Boosting the economy

Want to expand the size of your economy and increase your hero's experience, all with minimal risk? Start clearing local oases. Why oases?

1. You know exactly what forces you will face. No guessing and hoping that your hero won't get overwhelmed. This allows you to use a battle sim to calculate the exact results before the battle ever happens.

2. You know that an uncleared oasis has 400/400/400/400 resources. So that's 1600 resources on the initial clear.

3. Oases have no cranny, so if a Teuton starts raiding it he has no advantage over you.

4. Non player controlled oases can not be reinforced.

5. Most players are not very vigilant of oases, so they will not know it's cleared. You can sometimes farm it for days without people jumping in to farm it as well.

6. Oases regenerate 10/hr of each resource, and 40/hr of the bonus resource. So a clay oasis regenerates 10/40/10/10 per hour (70/hr total). An iron/crop oasis regenerates 10/10/40/40 (100/hr total). On a daily basis, a 25% oasis gives you 1680 resources, or 11760 per week. A 25/25 gives you 2400/day or 16800 per week. That's quite an economic boost, especially early.

The steps required for success:

1. The first step is to find a suitable oasis. Most heroes are cavalry units, so you want to find an oasis with low anti-cavalry defense. If you have an infantry hero, just look for one with low anti-infantry defense. For the most part, if you have a level zero hero, look for oases with between 16-20 crop worth of defense, and under 700 anti-cavalry defense. I have generally found clay, iron, lumber/crop, and iron/crop oases have the lowest initial defenses. The variance between oases in defense strength can be pretty great. One clay oasis might have 16 crop of defense, and another clay oasis in the same 7x7 might have 54 crop of defense. You'll have to scout around a bit.

2. Next, put all your hero's points into offense attack power (not offensive bonus). I would also recommend getting the gold +10% attack power, as it will save your hero's hit points, which over the course of time will save you many hours.

3. Here's a bit of a trick. As long as your hero takes less than 50% health loss, it is beneficial to send another unit with him. This other unit, which will not be killed (if you calculate properly) can help reduce the health loss of your hero by 4-7% (depending on the strength of the defense you attack).

4. Calculate your results before you attack. Make sure you'll be able to clear the oases on multiple trips before trying to begin. Here is an example.
The scenario:
-TT hero, 5 points in offense attack power, full health (100 pct), and +10 pct gold attack bonus
-TT assist unit
-Target is a +25 pct clay oasis with 9 rats, 6 spiders, and 4 bats (19 crop of defense, 620 anti-cav)

Here is what the first battle looks like:

First wave---->

You killed 10 crop worth of the defense. You took 45.8% health loss on the hero, which Travian rounds up to 46%. Take not of the remaining defense...4 rats, 3 spiders, and 2 bats.

Just for kicks, let me show you the results if you didn't send that single escort TT:

You only kill 9 crop worth of the defense. You take 51.5% health loss on the hero, which Travian rounds up to 52%. So that extra TT saved you 6% health and resulted in one less rat you have to kill in the subsequent attack.

Just for kicks, let's say you get impatient and decide to send more than one extra TT because you want to get the job done faster. Let's say you send 2 other TT to help. What does this look like?:

Here you can see that you only lose 41% health and you kill 11 crop of the defense. Great! But one of your TTs is killed. Not so great. The whole goal here was to level the hero and improve things economically, but losing a TT (especially early) is an economic setback. In truth, you would need to send 1027 additional TT to avoid losing even one single TT in this scenario. If you have that many TT, you are not concerned with farming oases!

Second wave (assuming you sent the hero and a single TT escort in the first attack)------>

You notice I sent two TT to escort the hero this time. I did so because the simulator showed I would not lose a TT with two escorts, but if I sent three TT one would die. Thus, I sent two. The result is that the hero lost an additional 19.3% health (rounded to 20%). This means your hero is down to 34% total health if he did not regenerate health between battles. The forces remaining are one rat and one spider.

Third wave----->

I sent 10 TT to escort this time, but really you can send whatever you have. With 10 TT, the hero took only 1% additional health loss, bringing him down to 33%. The oasis is now clear. There is 1600 resources to be collected, minus whatever you already pulled out of it (though some has since regenerated, depending on time). Congratulations, your hero gained 19 xp.

Important Notes, etc:

1. Those stupid animals regenerate fairly randomly. I read somewhere that if you keep clearing the oasis very regularly (like every few hours), then they don't respawn. That's not true. From what I have observed and experienced, they almost always pop back up after 1-3 days. No amount of farming keeps those rodents away. I've lost a handful of phalanx to random animal respawns after I send the attack. The lesson here is to use cheap units in small quantities, and farm regularly. It's better to collect a few hours of regenerated resources at a time rather than send a big force to collect a day's worth--only to lose that force when the animals pop up at an inopportune moment.

2. If you are a min/max type of player, and your hero is level 0, make sure you switch your hero to full regeneration between attacks. It takes about 57 minutes to get one hit point back.

3. If your hero is very low in health and level zero, and you have many attractive and nearby oasis targets, it is better to suicide your hero into the next oasis. For instance, let's just say it was the same oasis as the first example, but your hero only has 18% health (random low number). Here is what happens if you send him at that oasis:

You'll notice the hero died, but he killed just as much of that defense as he would if he was at full health. Also note that the hero would have lost 52% of his health if he had enough HP to survive the battle (or 46% if you sent the TT escort). So think about this. Instead of waiting two full days to get enough HP regenerated on your hero (25/day), why not suicide him and save all that waiting? You'll clear more oases faster. It only costs 2x the cost of a TT to rez your hero, and it only takes a few hours. Ultimately, I submit that you will get more xp and more net resources in less time if you suicide the hero when he's at low xp.

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