First the names of all the new artifacts, in the following format:
Name of the Village you will find them in
Short description of the artifacts bonus
Small: Name of Small artifact (bonus for small artifact)
Large: Name of Large artifact (bonus for large artifact)
Unique: Name of Unique artifact (bonus for unique artifact)
(Just a short note here, small effects only the village it is held in. Large effects the whole account and Unique effects the whole account but with a greater bonus)
Sanctuary of the Architect
All buildings in the area of effect are stronger. This means that you will need more catapults to damage buildings protected by this artifact's powers.
Small: Diamond Chisel (4 times stronger)
Large: Giant Marble Hammer (3 times stronger)
Unique: Hemon's Scrolls (5 times stronger)
Sanctuary of the General
All troops in the area of effect move faster.
Small: Opal Horseshoe (2 times faster)
Large: Golden Chariot (1.5 times faster)
Unique: Pheidippides' Sandals (3 times faster)
Sanctuary of the Spy
All spies (Scouts, Pathfinders, and Equites Legati) increase their spying ability. In addition, with all versions of this artifact you can see the incoming TYPE of troops but not how many there are.
Small: Tale of a Rat (Improved by a factor of 5)
Large: General's Letter (Improved by a factor of 3)
Unique: Diary of Sun Tzu (Improved by a factor of 10)
Sanctuary of the Cook
All troops in the artifact's range consume less wheat, making it possible to maintain a larger army.
Small: Silver Platter (50% reduction in crop consumption)
Large: Sacred Hunting Bow (25% reduction in crop consumption)
Unique: King Arthur's Chalice (50% reduction in crop consumption)
Sanctuary of the Instructor
Troops are built a certain percentage faster within the scope of the artifact.
Small: Scribed Soldier's Oath (50% reduction in training time)
Large: Declaration of War (25% reduction in training time)
Unique: Memoirs of Alexander the Great (50% reduction in training time)
Sanctuary of the Grand Designer
With this building plan you are able to build the Great Granary or Great Warehouse in the Village with the artifact, or the whole account depending on the artifact. As long as you posses that artifact you are able to build and enlarge those buildings.
Small: Builder's Sketch (NA)
Large: Babylonian Tablet (NA)
[No Unique Artifact exists]
Sanctuary of the Lookout
Cranny capacity is increased by a certain amount for each type of artifact. Catapults can only shoot random on villages within this artifacts power. Exceptions are the WW which can always be targeted and the treasure chamber which can always be targeted, except with the unique artifact. When aiming at a resource field only random resource fields can be hit, when aiming at a building only random buildings can be hit.
Small: Map of the Hidden Caverns (Capacity of Cranny increased by 200)
Large: Bottomless Satchel (Capacity of Cranny increased by 100)
Unique: Trojan Horse (Capacity of Cranny increased by 500)
Sanctuary of the Fool
Every 24 hours it gets a random effect, bonus, or penalty (all are possible with the exception of great warehouse, great granary and WW building plans). They change effect AND
scope every 24 hours. The unique artifact will always take positive bonuses.
Standard: Pendant of Mischief (Random)
Unique: Forbidden Manuscript (Random)
[Note: No large or small because the scope is randomly decided every 24 hours]
Some Notes About Artifacts
* Any individual player can only own one account or unique artifact
* Any individual player can only own three artifacts at a time
* Players may own more than the three artifacts / more than one account or unique artifact by conquering villages that already hold them but only the three oldest artifacts will function
* Artifacts will only start operating 24 hours after they are captured
* Moving artifacts between your own villages counts as capturing and so will reset the 24 hour timer
* All records for artifacts are shown in the Treasury
* Small artifact bonuses will overwrite the bonus of any account or unique artifact of the same type for the village it is in
* Uncaptured artifacts in Natarian villages are deactivated
* The number of troops in the Natarian village is related to the artifact that is held within it; most for a unique artifact, second most for an account artifact and the least for a village artifact
Finally an FAQ on Artifacts
Question: Does the bonus given by my "Stronger Buildings" artifact apply to my wall as well?
Answer: Yes it does.
Question: I own 2 artifacts of the same type, i.e. "Faster Troops". One has the scope village and
one has the scope account. What happens?
Answer: The effects are not added. The village containing the Village "Faster Troops" artifact will use its bonus for that village (and therefore overwrite the bonus given by the artifact with the scope account). All other villages will use the bonus of the artifact with the scope account.
Question: I own a "Less crop usage" artifact with a 50% reduction bonus. But the crop usage of my troops shown in the rally point did not change. It shows the normal usage without the 50% reduction bonus. Is this a bug?
Answer: No. This is intended. The rally point shows the normal crop usage. It does not get
modified. Neither the Wonder of the World village nor the "Less crop usage" artifact nor the Horse
Drinking Pool are modifying that view. But there is no need to worry. The crop usage for your
village is calculated correctly.
Question: My Artifact of the Fool changed its scope to account. But I own an unique/account scope
artifact already. What happens?
Answer: Only one account scope artifact remains active. The artifact with the oldest capturing
time will spread its effect to your account. The other one gets deactivated.
Question: I conquered my 4th artifact. It is an account scope artifact. My other 3 artifacts only
have a village scope. Will my new artifact work after 24 hours?
Answer: No, it will not. Only the oldest 3 artifacts will work (but only one with the scope account).
Question: I conquered two account scope artifacts and one village scope artifact. When I conquer
another village scope artifact now, what happens? Will I have 3 working artifacts (account +
village + village scope) after 24 hours?
Answer: Yes you will.
Question: I conquered 3 villages holding a unique artifact each. Will I have 3 working unique
artifacts after 24 hours?
Answer: No. A unique artifact counts as an account scope artifact. Only the oldest account scope
artifact will have an effect.
Question: Does an artifact travel with the troops that capture it?
Answer: No, artifacts teleport instantly when capture conditions are met
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